donderdag 19 april 2012

Sunny day

Finally the sun comes out again. I missed him so .. I walked outside and saw all the flowers bloom again and the bees fly. wonderful to see! here is my outfit I wore today. look like my mum when she was as old as I am now. oldddddd style, but i like it.

Last summer

Last summer i was with my family on holiday in Prague! the shops there are great and the clothes are all cheap! i bought soooooooo much!!! here is a picture of my favorite set i bought there. this photo was taken in a city park in Prague with the camera from my parents, that camera make such beautiful pictures <3 i loveeeeee holidays, and i can not wait until July. This year i go to Berlin, Milan, Tuscan coast, and the Dordogne in the southern of France. ahhhh five weeks on vacation, it can not be better!!!